Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Lived Experience Inclusion Effectiveness - Literature Review Gallery

Literature Review of Participatory Research and Community Co-produced Health Services Project

Article: What Is Lived Experience


1) Recovery Colleges Characterisation and Testing in England (RECOLLECT): rationale and protocol

The purpose of a recovery college is to support people's recovery from mental health difficulties through learning and education that is co-produced by people with lived experience and people with professional expertise.

Reported benefits for service user students include increased confidence and self-esteem, reduced self-stigma and sense of identity, hope, new skills and knowledge, improved social networks, healthier lifestyle adoption, quality of life, wellbeing, and achieving goals, particularly regarding education. Mental health staff attending Recovery Colleges either as trainers or as students have reported increased knowledge and skills, along with attitudinal changes. The experience of co-production is described as stimulating a renewed motivation for their work generally, and particularly for working more collaboratively with service users. For some, it resulted in decisions to change the language they used and in how they shared information with service users.

2) ‘People should be allowed to do what they like’: Autistic adults’ views and experiences of stimming

Autistic adults highlighted the importance of stimming as an adaptive mechanism that helps them to soothe or communicate intense emotions or thoughts and thus objected to treatment that aims to eliminate the behaviour.

3) Lived experience research as a resource for recovery: a mixed methods study

This paper seeks to answer the research questions: a) Did exposure to lived experience research increase hopefulness for participants?; and b) How else did interacting with lived experience research resources influence participants’ lives?

Findings indicated that the resources promoted hope, but that increases in hopefulness may not be seen immediately. Other impacts include that the resources: encouraged helpful activities; provided a positive experience; increased valued knowledge; encouraged people to reflect on their journey and think constructively about mental health issues; helped people to feel less alone; and assisted people to explain their situation to others.

4) A case study of enhanced clinical care enabled by Aboriginal health research: the Hearing, EAr health and Language Services (HEALS) project

Ongoing disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health outcomes demonstrate the need for policy that brings about tangible and sustained health benefits for the Aboriginal community. HEALS demonstrates that, with proper funding, efficient management, and a dedicated and collaborative team, health services needed to help Close the Gap can be made more accessible to Aboriginal families, and that such enhanced clinical care can be piggybacked onto an existing research collaboration. The rapid delivery of services (5,822 speech pathology sessions and 219 ENT operations) for 653 Aboriginal children was achieved primarily due to existing partnerships with five ACCHS developed through the SEARCH research project.

HEALS was built on partnerships, founded by the SEARCH study that upholds the research guidelines advocated by the Aboriginal community, including the principles of close community consultation, capacity-building and the philosophy of “no research without service”.18-20 From research identifying Aboriginal children with otitis media, hearing loss and speech delay, the SEARCH network facilitated a rapid delivery of health services that became the HEALS program. HEALS provides an example of how strong relationships between researchers and the Aboriginal community that are built on mutual respect, trust, and common goals can be leveraged to enable the strategic delivery of health services for Aboriginal people.


Urban Institute Reports on Inclusive Practice Recommendations for Justice System Reform Efforts

1) Designing Data and Technology Projects for Criminal Legal System Reform

2) Best Practices in Community Surveys for Criminal Legal System Reform

3) Strategic Communication of Reform Efforts in the Criminal Legal System

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